
Tags: Baiona, Biscay, sailing, Spain

Date: September 30, 2016

After some days on Ushant we got a good weather forecast to cross the Bay of Biscay. Actually, the forecast was good in the sense that there was no strong headwind, but not so good in that there wasn't going to be much wind at all. So, again, we did a lot of motoring on the trip.

We decided to go to Baiona in Spain which is in the same bay as Vigo a little bit down the coast. Here is the route:

Sometimes the sea was really calm:

After three days we got to Spain. Here is a picture of one of the islands in the Islas Cíes group of islands at the entrance to the bay:

A small dolphin said hello:

Spain looks very exotic:

Here is the marina (Amanda is way in the back):

We went for a nice evening walk at a fort next to the marina:

The sunset from the fort: