San Evaristo to Timbabiche

Tags: Baja, Mexico, San Evaristo, Timbabiche, sailing

Date: April 11, 2024

After spending some days at Isla San José, we returned to San Evaristo, partly to find protection from northerly winds that were forecast but most importantly to meet up with our sister ship, Randonnée:

We first met Randonnée and its owners while we were in Panama and had looked forward to meeting up again.

While we wre in San Evaristo we hiked up the nearby hill:

From up top we could see Randonnée and Amanda at anchor in the bay, the two left-most boats:

Here, looking a little further to the right, we see the fishing village of San Evaristo. The dirt road going uphill in the background is the road we hiked last time we were in San Evaristo:

Now, looking more to the right we can see the bay on the other side of the hill. On this side there are salt evaporation ponds used for salt production:

Finally a view to the north from the top of the hill:

After spending several days hanging out with Randy and Diana from Randonnée we continued north. At some point we saw a very large pod of dolphins. We went a little closer and suddenly we were surrounded by dolpins swmming with the boat and jumping out of the water:

That went on for a while but the dolphins were not going the same way as us, so eventually they left and we continued north.

All along the coast of Baja we can see the mountain range rising steeply, sometimes with a strip of lower land on the coast, sometimes rising directly out of the sea.

We anchored in Bahía Timbabiche and caught a colorful sunset: