Basaseachi Waterfall

Tags: Basaseachi, Chihuahua, Mexico

Date: June 19, 2024

The Basaseachi National Park is mostly known for its great waterfall. The mountain landscape is spectacular with many vertical cliffs. On the first day we hiked from our cabin to the waterfall area, starting high above a big steep canyon and going down into it. Here is a view in the beginning:

After a while we got to the first view of the waterfall:

Except there is no water... It turns out that there is only water in the waterfall in rainy periods. But the area is still beautiful. When the water runs, it comes out at the flat section a little above the middle of the photo and falls down over the dark cliffs to the pool at the bottom. The waterfall is 246 meters tall and probably Mexico's second or third highest (sources disagree).

Another view over the cliffs and canyons:

While enjoying the view, we saw this animal climbing up a completely vertical cliff:

It is a coatimundi (like the ones we saw in the park in Villahermosa):

The trails around this area were extremely well kept:

More views:

Here is a closer view of the waterfall:

The photo is taken from a place called "La Ventana" which means "The Window". It was a strenuous hike down steep paths to get there (and not too surprisingly, it turned out that the hike back up the mountain was even tougher).

A view into the canyon:

Bjarne at the railing at La Ventana with the bottom of the waterfall in the background:

Félicie took a rest while Bjarne headed down to the bottom of the waterfall.

A small waterfall with actual water in it, seen on the way down:

Here is the pool at the bottom of Basaseachi Waterfall:

If you look closely, you can see Félicie waving her arms at La Ventana near the middle of this picture taken from the bottom:

She looks pretty small, but the above is actually zoomed in from this picture:

Everything around here is very big.

More views from the hike back up to the edge of the canyon:

This is from the very top, near the start of the hike:

Most national parks have signs with rules and this one is no exception:

One of the rules is that it is not allowed to drive your car here. Another is that you cannot keep cattle here. That is good to know... And of course, the rule over all rules in Mexico is that throwing trash is not allowed. The Basaseachi area was quite clean as opposed to many other places where throwing trash is also not allowed.

A few more views from the top: